No Excuses University


  • Vine Elementary School is proud to announce that we are a No Excuses University School. Our school has gone through an application process and has been accepted to the No Excuses University Network. Learn more about it here:
  • No Excuses University School consists of six exceptional systems that fundamentally support college and career pathways for students with services and skills to ensure that students can successfully transition from school to the workforce. 

  • We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares them for college. When schools exhibit a culture of universal achievement by believing in students, they collaborate around that belief. During collaboration, they align their standards as a team. As teams align standards, they need to assess the standards and manage the data. Then, and only then, can they pursue meaningful interventions with their students.
  • Each classroom at Vine Elementary has adopted a 4-year college or university. Students learn about their adopted college in the classroom.
  • Pennants, flags, posters, and signs are posted throughout the classrooms and in the main office.
  • We host a "graduation walk" at the end of the school year to celebrate high school graduates who attended Vine Elementary and other WCUSD schools. 
  • Each year, 5th grade students get an opportunity to tour a university as a field trip. 
  • All students and staff are encouraged to wear their college t-shirts every Wednesday. 
NEU Teacher NEU Student NEU Parent   




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