Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you had a relaxing summer and are looking forward to returning to school. We are excited to welcome all of our students back to campus this year. 

At Vine Elementary, we are proud to embark with a powerful network belief of College and Career readiness skills for our students' success. Vine is proud to be part of the "No Excuses University Schools". NEU school believe that all students have the right to an education that prepares them for college and the workplace. Vine is committed to creating a school that knows no limits. We believe that every student has potential, and we are dedicated to helping all students meet and exceed their academic expectations. 

Vine's mission is to inspire, educate, and challenge all students. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our students need support from both the home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child's education. The Vine team is looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure that your child can achieve their highest potential. 

To stay informed of all that is taking place at Vine, please make sure you have an up-to-date ParentSquare account. The app can be easily downloaded on your phone. We use ParentSquare to do everything from sending out smart alerts to one on one communication. We also invite you to visit our website and follow our Instagram page @Vinewcusd for the latest news and happenings. 

I look forward to working diligently with staff and parents to foster an atmosphere that promotes a collaborative learning community. Thank you for giving us the amazing opportunity to educate your children. We hold this responsibility with the highest regard. 


Mrs. Levesque


“Dream. Believe. Achieve.”